Emergency Veterinary Care
Friends and Vets Helping Pets
Funds lifesaving treatments for curable diseases, ambulatory care, expensive medication, or post-surgical prosthetics.
Email: info@friendsandvetshelpingpets.org
Website: http://friendsandvetshelpingpets.org
Brown Dog Foundation
Provides financial assistance to pet owners in temporary financial crisis whose pet faces a treatable, but life-threatening condition or illness, in order to restore quality of life to owner and pet.
Email: grants@browndogfoundation.org
Website: www.browndogfoundation.org
Pet Assistance, Inc.
Funds are available to subsidize vet care for urgent or life-threatening emergencies only.
Phone: 860-355-7387
Email: getapet@gmail.com
Website: http://www.petassistanceinc.org/
Hope Mending Hearts Foundation
Provides financial assistance grants so pet owners, good Samaritans and rescuers can care for animals who need urgent veterinary care.
Email: Info@hopemendinghearts.net
Website: http://www.hopemendinghearts.net
Harley’s Hope Foundation
Financial assistance is offered, as resources allow, to assist with major or emergency veterinary care and behavioral or specialty training.
Phone: (719) 495-6083
Email: info@harleys-hopefoundation.org
Website: http://www.harleys-hopefoundation.org
Red Rover
Provides Urgent Care Grants for ill pets and Domestic Violence Safe Escape Grants for costs of temporary boarding.
Phone: (916) 429-2457
Email: info@redrover.org
Website: www.redrover.org
General Assistance
The Onyx and Breezy Foundation
Provides assistance to pets of individuals when medical hardship is present – treatment, medication, pet food, spay and neuter.
Email: info@onyxandbreezy.org
Website: http://www.onyxandbreezy.org/
The Mosby Foundation
May provide financial assistance with veterinary treatment for pet owners in need. Must apply prior to treatment.
Email: info@themosbyfoundation.org
Website: http://themosbyfoundation.org/
Paws 4 A Cure
Provides financial assistance to those who cannot afford veterinary care for their dogs and cats.
Website: http://www.paws4acure.org/
American Veterinary Medical Foundation
Charitable care may be provided to those in need including, disabled vets requiring a service dog, low income seniors, good Samaritans who rescue pets, victims of domestic violence. Speak to your veterinarian, as requests must come from AVMA vets.
Website: http://www.avmf.org/
Chronic Illness, Cancer, etc
The Pet Fund
Helps with costs for non-basic, non-urgent care. Cancer treatment, heart disease, chronic illnesses, endocrine disease, eye disease, etc.
Phone: (916) 443-6007
Email: info@thepetfund.com
Website: thepetfund.com
Brown Dog Foundation
Provides financial assistance to pet owners in temporary financial crisis whose pet faces a treatable, but life-threatening condition or illness, in order to restore quality of life to owner and pet.
Email: grants@browndogfoundation.org
Website: browndogfoundation.org
Funds for Good Samaritans
The Savior Foundation
Provides funding to offset immediate medical expenses and needs for any abused, injured and/or abandoned animal in a critical situation.
Website: www.thesaviorfoundation.org
Hope Mending Hearts Foundation
Financial assistance grants so pet owners, good Samaritans and rescuers can care for animals who need urgent veterinary care.
Email: Info@hopemendinghearts.net
Website: http://www.hopemendinghearts.net
American Veterinary Medical Foundation
Charitable care may be provided to those in need including disabled vets requiring a service dog, low income seniors, good Samaritans who rescue pets, victims of domestic violence. Speak to your veterinarian, as requests must come from AVMA vets.
Website: http://www.avmf.org/
Breed Specific / Specialty Funding
CorgiAid may provide monetary assistance toward medical expenses for Corgis/Corgi mixes who have been rescued by a group or individual. CorgiAid’s ElderCare program helps with expenses of the day-to-day care of an older corgi dog (10yrs+).
Email: yourfriends@corgiaid.org
Website: www.corgiaid.org
Labrador Harbor
Provides funds for the health of Labrador Retrievers. These funds will help finance costs for medical intervention, surgery, after-care, hospitalization, rehabilitation, behavioral intervention, or other health related needs. Only for CA Residents.
Email: info@labharbor.org
Website: http://www.labharbor.org/
Handicapped Pets Foundation
Provides wheelchairs to pets in need.
Email: info@hpets.org
Website: http://hpets.org/
Harley’s Hope Foundation
Financial assistance is offered, as resources allow, to assist with major or emergency veterinary care and behavioral or specialty training.
Phone: (719) 495-6083
Email: info@harleys-hopefoundation.org
Website: http://www.harleys-hopefoundation.org/
Resources for Veterans, Disabled Persons, or Abuse victims
International Association of Assistance Dog Partners
For IAADP members only, may provide funds when an assistance dog develops a sudden illness or injury that is treatable but the high cost of intervention is unaffordable.
Phone: (888) 544-2237
Email: info@iaadp.org
Website: http://www.iaadp.org/
US Dept. of Veterans Affairs
For veterans who have service dogs, Title 38, Section 1714 enables veterans to ask their caseworkers to file VA form 10-2641 in order to receive financial assistance for veterinary care of service dogs.
Phone: (800) 827-1000
Website: https://www.va.gov/
The Gift of Sunshine, Inc.
The Hope Chest provides financial assistance to individuals with disabilities to help cover the cost of obtaining a trained assistance dog. The Gandalf Fund provides financial assistance for working and retired assistance dogs in the event of catastrophic illness or accidental injury.
Phone: (610) 554-8725
Email: info@thegiftofsunshine.org
American Veterinary Medical Foundation
Charitable care may be provided to those in need including, disabled vets requiring a service dog, low income seniors, good Samaritans who rescue pets, victims of domestic violence. Speak to your veterinarian, as requests must come from AVMA vets.
Website: http://www.avmf.org/
Assistance Dog United Campaign
Provides financial assistance to individuals who have the need for an assistance dog but have difficulty in raising the necessary funds.
Email: info@assistancedogunitedcampaign.org
Website: www.assistancedogunitedcampaign.org